Bruce KushnickManipulated Facts, Manipulated Data and a Bias Due to the Corporate Thumb on the Scales of Justice…How much garbage is being dumped from the Corporate Trucks that are filled with Corporate biased — read, made up statements that sound…Nov 31Nov 31
Bruce KushnickFCC Commissioner Brendan Carr Should Not be the Next FCC Chairman, Even if Trump Wins.(We will return to the tale this picture tells in a moment.)Nov 1Nov 1
Bruce KushnickDoes $9 Billion Sound Excessive for AT&T and Verizon’s Wireless Revenue from One Junk Fee?The “Cost Recovery” charge, sometimes called “Cost Recovery & Admin Fee” is one of those “junk fees”, that are part of the dirty, little…Oct 14Oct 14
Bruce KushnickSolving the Digital Divide in NY City: Give Rich People 5G in Areas that Are Saturated with 5G…There is a hearing of a NYC Community Board to discuss putting in the LinkNYC 5G wireless services, and in this case it will go into areas…Sep 151Sep 151
Bruce KushnickDear Reporters, Regulators and The Public: Verizon & Frontier Merger Exposes the Underlying Con…Dear Reporter, while reading the collection of news stories about Verizon purchasing Frontier’s scattered US properties, it is now clear to…Sep 10Sep 10
Bruce KushnickHow Did America Fail to Go After the “Dark Fiber” Running through Our Towns?Who Actually Knew About It? Why are Government Subsidies Rewarding the Companies that Created the Digital Divide? Where’s the…Aug 30Aug 30
Bruce KushnickPROVING REGULATORY CAPTURE OF THE FCC.IRREGULATORS RESEARCH MEMO, PART 2: Who Is in Bed with the Corporate-Takeover of the FCC’s Communications and Diversity Council?Aug 22Aug 22
Bruce KushnickIRREGULATORS RESEARCH MEMO: The Corporate-Takeover (“Regulatory Capture”) of the FCC’s Diversity…Imagine This: The FCC has been tasked to put together a council that will solve the Digital Divide once and for all. Trust Us. It will…Aug 14Aug 14
Bruce KushnickIRREGULATORS Research Memo Summary: ACPSEE FULL REPORT: ACP Subsidies Ended June 2024; Conclusion: Go After the Money.Aug 11Aug 11
Bruce KushnickAnalysis of the FCC’s ACP Program and Why We Call for Immediate Investigations.SUMMARYAug 11Aug 11